Stick It User Privacy Policy


We value the privacy of each user and solemnly promise as follows:
The information we collect and how to use it:
We may collect some non-personal privacy statistics through your IP address, geographic location information, so that we can further improve Stick It's services.
(1) The email address and phone number filled in during registration
No spread, no openness, and no disclosure.

Information disclosure and sharing
Stick It will not provide your personal information to anyone. Except in the following cases:
(1) The user's explicit authorization has been obtained;
(2) According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations or in accordance with the requirements of the court or relevant government departments;
(3) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Stick It;
(4) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Stick It users and the general public;
(5) Other circumstances deemed necessary by Stick It.

Information update and deletion
In the case of changes in your personal information, you can update and modify your personal information to make it effective. You can easily use your registered name and password to log in to this website at any time to modify or delete your personal information and files.


User's basic code of conduct and responsibility
1. You know and promise that you will strictly abide by national laws, regulations and ethics in the process of using the services provided by Stick It, and you shall not use Stick It to engage in any illegal activities.
2. Users are not allowed to publish or disseminate information containing the following contents on Stick It:
(1) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
(2) Damage to national honor and interests;
(3) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
(4) Undermining the state's religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstition;
(5) Spreading rumors, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crime;
(6) Insulting, slandering others, or infringing on the legal rights of others;
(7) Inciting illegal assemblies, associations, processions, demonstrations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order;
(8) Other content that violates laws, regulations, rules and social ethics that are restricted or prohibited.
3. The information you post should also comply with national policies, social ethics, and respect other legal rights such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and trade secrets;
4. You should not copy or use unpublished and unauthorized files on the Internet without authorization. Except for the express consent of the relevant copyright owner, you should not crack, spread, download or copy the software that a third party has copyright on the Internet or engage in any other activities that infringe the intellectual property rights of others;
5. You must not interfere with or infringe the normal operation of Stick It or the normal use of Stick It by other users.
6. If you are involved in one or more of the above policies and behaviors in the use of Stick It services, you need to bear legal responsibility for your own behavior. The forms of assuming legal liability include but are not limited to: compensation to the victim, and after this APP first bears the administrative penalties or compensation for tort damages caused by your actions(including litigation fees, attorney fees and other related legal process costs) ), you should immediately give the Stick It owner an equal amount of compensation.
7. According to illegal circumstances, Stick It has the right to make independent judgments and the right to immediately suspend or cancel some or all of the services provided to you. Its measures include lockout, cancellation, and deletion of accounts.
8. Stick It's system records will be used as evidence of the user's violation of the law.

Protect your privacy
We will take strict measures to protect your privacy and ensure that your privacy is not violated in any way. As long as you provide us with any personal information, we will take effective measures to protect your information (laws or government mandatory regulations are not limited to this).

Update the privacy policy
We may revise Stick It's privacy policy. If there is a significant revision in the use of user personal information policy, we will notify you by email.